I had a great time putting my wares on display at the London Illustration Fair in the Bargehouse at the Oxo Tower on the Southbank. My mum and I got a big ladder and stuck up my pictures as high as possible. I had many landscape prints up on the wall - views from all over the British Isles - and it was so fun to see which places people could recognise and find out everyone's favourites. Lots of people spotted my influences from screenprinting techniques and vintage travel posters, and it was great to chat with so many creative and enthusiastic people.
I also displayed my poster project 'Nature Connection for the People' for the first time. It was mostly work completed for my MA illustration studies at Falmouth University which I finished last year. The chance to put the project on display encouraged me to finish a few more designs, and yet, my sketchbooks and iPad are still full of more ideas, doodles and half-finished things!
I loved getting feedback on this project in real life, with the posters printed out and viewed up on a wall as I intended, calling out to passers-by to connect with nature in all sorts of fun ways.
If you came and said hello, thanks so much! I was nervous for my first market and was very uplifted by all the friendly faces.